Home Sitters

Welcome to Hynes Home Sitters. Why use a Home Sitter?
- To meet insurance criteria
- To prevent weather damage
- Because increasing levels of burglary have created a greater need for security
- It will also keep your home aired, lived in and well maintained
A Home Sitter will care for your home when you are on holiday or away on business giving you peace of mind. Home Sitters give home owners the reassurance that a capable and trusted person is looking after their home, garden and possessions.
Our Home Sitters are screened and interviewed personally by an experienced consultant, written references obtained and thoroughly checked. Home Sitters will stay in your home during your absence. They will agree not to leave the house for more than 3 hours during daylight hours or 1 hour after dark.
Home Sitters are available for contracts over 1 week. Whilst in your home they will do light housework, hoovering, dusting, water plants etc, deal with callers and keep the garden neat and tidy, thus maintaining a lived in appearance. Pet sitters are also available. All our sitters are mature, responsible adults who have owned their own homes.
They will respect your property and privacy and maintain your home as you would wish. After registration you will interview the prospective sitter, examine their documents and ensure their experience and attitude meets your requirements.
We ask you to draw up a comprehensive list of instructions which should be agreed between you and the sitter before you leave.
They will maintain your home in an efficient manner and upon your return will vacate the house after leaving in groceries if requested. Your insurance of your property, contents, pets etc should continue during your absence.
Please contact us for further information or to discuss your requirements in more detail on: (01) 8728170